There are many reasons why our academic performance is consistently strong, but being a ‘hothouse’ isn’t one of them.
Firstly, we specialise in the early years and are able to help girls grow into themselves and discover their passions.
We instil academic rigour but with a rounded approach – encouraging curiosity, originality, critical thinking, resilience and collaboration. Girls are gradually emboldened to take responsibility and assessed regularly to ensure they’re being challenged and supported in equal measure.
First-hand, practical experiences build on classroom learning, to enrich knowledge and stimulate progress, all the while preparing for entry to leading boarding and day schools at 11+.
The curriculum is broad yet balanced, and girls become confident readers and writers early before being challenged further creatively. We have specialist teachers in Music, Science, Drama, Computing, Art, PE/Sport, Philosophy and Spanish; and dedicated facilities, including a fully equipped Science Lab, ICT Suite, Art room, and Drama Studio.
An enormous range of clubs brings still further opportunities to explore interests and hone skills – from chess to cricket, coding to football. Whilst for girls who need extra help, or more of a challenge, our experienced Learning Support team are on-hand with individual and group solutions.
Our child-led, yet purposeful and stimulating environment helps girls settle in quickly and build a strong foundation for future progress.
Here girls build on their experience in the Early Years. Enriched, child-centred learning takes place in and out of the classroom. Teachers subtly set ambitious standards and then ensure consistency and progress are maintained.
Kensington Prep achieves an excellent balance of high academic standards, a nurturing environment and developing personal intellectual qualities.
In this key stage, cross-curricular and subject-specific teaching give learning more relevance and context. This helps children prepare for an ever-changing world and the next phase of their educational journey.
We value a well-rounded education and our daughter’s well-being. Kensington Prep is the perfect nurturing calm place in which to flourish.
These are challenging yet exciting years. By now girls are able to organise their learning and approach studies maturely. As they come to recognise their responsibility as role models they also take on a wider role within the school. Learning is consolidated and extended through questioning and reflection – ready for the next step up to senior school.