There are many reasons why our academic performance is consistently strong, but being a ‘hothouse’ isn’t one of them.

Firstly, we specialise in the early years and are able to help girls grow into themselves and discover their passions.

We instil academic rigour but with a rounded approach – encouraging curiosity, originality, critical thinking, resilience and collaboration. Girls are gradually emboldened to take responsibility and assessed regularly to ensure they’re being challenged and supported in equal measure.

First-hand, practical experiences build on classroom learning, to enrich knowledge and stimulate progress, all the while preparing for entry to leading boarding and day schools at 11+.

The curriculum is broad yet balanced, and girls become confident readers and writers early before being challenged further creatively. We have specialist teachers in Music, Science, Drama, Computing, Art, PE/Sport, Philosophy and Spanish; and dedicated facilities, including a fully equipped Science Lab, ICT Suite, Art room, and Drama Studio.

An enormous range of clubs brings still further opportunities to explore interests and hone skills – from chess to cricket, coding to football. Whilst for girls who need extra help, or more of a challenge, our experienced Learning Support team are on-hand with individual and group solutions.

Early Years

Our child-led, yet purposeful and stimulating environment helps girls settle in quickly and build a strong foundation for future progress.

Kensington Prep achieves an excellent balance of high academic standards, a nurturing environment and developing personal intellectual qualities.


We value a well-rounded education and our daughter’s well-being. Kensington Prep is the perfect nurturing calm place in which to flourish.


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