Academic results are outstanding and girls achieve places and scholarships to some of the country’s top day and boarding schools.

This year girls achieved yet another excellent set of results and scholarships. See below for details of the girls’ senior school places.

    2024 Senior School Offers including boarding schools and scholarships*

    Total 30 Scholarships and Awards: 15 Academic, 13 Music, 1 Art and 1 Drama.

    London Day SchoolsNumber of OffersAcademic ScholarshipsMusic ScholarshipsArt ScholarshipsDrama ScholarshipsPlaces accepted
    City of London611
    Francis Holland, Regent's Park411
    Francis Holland, Sloane Square19624
    Godolphin and Latymer1326
    Ibstock Place813
    Latymer Upper School51
    Lady Eleanor Hollis1
    More House11
    North London Collegiate11
    Notting Hill and Ealing GDST321
    Putney High School GDST17121
    Queen’s Gate712
    St Paul's School for Girls616
    Wimbledon High School GDST21438
    Downe House1
    Wellington College (13+ Entry)1
    Wycombe Abbey11
    *Figures correct at the time of publication.

    2023 Senior School Offers including boarding schools and scholarships*

    Total 30 Scholarships and Awards: 15 Academic, 10 Music, 1 Music Exhibition, 3 Sport, 1 Art.

    London Day SchoolsNumber of OffersAcademic ScholarshipsMusic ScholarshipsArt ScholarshipsSport ScholarshipsPlaces accepted
    Alleyn's School1
    City of London611
    Francis Holland, Sloane Square19912
    Godolphin and Latymer1617
    Ibstock Place102
    James Allen's Girls' School1
    Latymer Upper School73
    Lady Eleanor Hollis31 - Exhibition1
    More House1
    North London Collegiate2
    Notting Hill and Ealing GDST211
    Putney High School GDST19114
    Queen’s Gate21
    St Paul's School for Girls33
    Surbiton High School22 (1 High Mistress Award)11
    Thomas's Battersea1
    West London Free School11
    Wimbledon High School GDST172415
    Bedford Modern11
    Brighton College (13+ Entry)1
    Cheltenham Ladies College11
    Downe House3
    Wellington College (13+ Entry)1
    Wycombe Abbey312
    *Figures correct at the time of publication.

    2022 Senior School Offers including boarding schools and scholarships

    Total 30 Scholarships and Awards: 19 Academic, 5 Music, 6 Sport.

    London Day SchoolsNumber of OffersAcademic ScholarshipsMusic ScholarshipsSport ScholarshipsPlaces Accepted
    Alleyn's School2111
    City of London31
    Francis Holland, Sloane Square2782
    Francis Holland, Regents Park211
    Godolphin and Latymer156
    Ibstock Place7
    James Allen's Girls' School2
    Latymer Upper School84
    Lady Eleanor Hollis32
    More House1
    Notting Hill and Ealing GDST411
    Putney High School GDST213115
    Queen’s Gate31
    St Augustine's Priory11
    St James's Senior School3
    St Paul's Girls' School 78
    Thomas's Battersea1
    Wimbledon High School GDST212228
    St Mary's Ascot1
    Wycombe Abbey11

    2021 Senior School Offers including boarding schools and scholarships

    Total 20 Scholarships and Awards: 8 Academic, 2 All Round, 8 Music, 2 Sport. (Art scholarships postponed due to Covid-19).

    London Day SchoolsNumber of OffersAcademic ScholarshipsMusic ScholarshipsAll Round ScholarshipsSportPlaces accepted
    Alleyn's School111
    City of London41
    Francis Holland, Sloane Square21111
    Godolphin and Latymer122
    Ibstock Place52
    James Allen's Girls' School31
    Kingston Grammar1
    Latymer Upper School92
    Lady Eleanor Hollis411
    Lycee Francais, London212
    More House1
    North London Collegiate3
    Notting Hill and Ealing GDST1
    Putney High School GDST2238
    Queen’s College21
    Queen’s Gate2
    St James's Senior School1
    St Paul's School for Girls1212
    Streatham and Clapham High School1
    Surbiton High School1
    The Laurels School11
    The Tiffin Girls School11
    Thomas's Battersea11
    Wimbledon High School GDST121112
    Cheltenham Ladies College41
    Downe House41
    Guildford High School211
    Marlborough College2
    Wells Cathedral School 11
    Wycombe Abbey32

    2020 Senior School Offers including boarding schools and scholarships

    Girls achieved a record number of 42 scholarships and awards: 21 Academic, 9 Music, 6 Sports, 5 Art and 1 Drama.

    London Day SchoolsNumber of OffersPlaces AcceptedAcademic ScholarshipsMusic ScholarshipsArt ScholarshipsSportDrama
    City of London11
    Francis Holland, Graham Terrace26311221
    Godolphin and Latymer1771
    Holland Park School 11
    Ibstock Place10
    Lady Margarets1
    Latymer Upper School712
    Lady Eleanor Hollis11
    More House511
    North London Collegiate1
    Notting Hill and Ealing GDST111
    Putney High School GDST203321
    Queen’s Gate611
    St James's Senior School31
    St Paul's School for Girls651 High Mistress Award1
    Wimbledon High School GDST177212
    Cheltenham Ladies College11
    Downe House1
    St Mary's Calne1
    St Mary's Ascot3211
    Wycombe Abbey3211
    Bayside Academy (USA)1
    St Catherines British School (Greece)1

    2019 Senior School Offers
    including boarding schools and scholarships

    A record-breaking total of 36 scholarships: 20 Academic, 14 Music and 2 Art.

    London Day SchoolsNumber of OffersPlaces AcceptedAcademic ScholarshipsMusic ScholarshipsArt Scholarship
    City of London431
    Francis Holland, Graham Terrace183911
    Fulham School2
    Godolphin and Latymer166
    Ibstock Place41
    Lady Margarets42
    Latymer Upper School32
    Lady Eleanor Hollis2
    More House51
    North London Collegiate1
    Notre Dame11
    Notting Hill and Ealing GDST511
    Putney High School GDST20733
    Queen's College221
    Queen’s Gate621
    South Hampstead High GDST111
    St James's Senior School2
    St Paul's School for Girls761
    Streatham and Clapham GDST1
    Surbiton High2
    Tiffin Girls11
    Wimbledon High School GDST51
    Cheltenham Ladies College21
    Downe House21
    St Mary's Ascot21
    Wellington College1
    Woldingham School111
    Wycombe Abbey311

    2018 Senior School Offers
    including boarding schools and scholarships

    Record number of 32 scholarships: 17 Academic, 14 Music and 1 Art.

    SchoolNumber of OffersNumber of Academic ScholarshipsNumber of Music ScholarshipsNumber of Art ScholarshipsPlaces accepted
    Broomwood Hall22
    Cheltenham Ladies College*3211
    City of London41
    Downe House*1
    Emanuel School1
    Francis Holland, Clarence Gate11
    Francis Holland, Graham Terrace21216
    Fulham School2
    Godolphin and Latymer1818
    Headington School1
    Henrietta Barnett School1
    Ibstock Place5
    Kingston Grammar111
    Lady Eleanor Hollis422
    Lady Margaret School11
    Latymer Upper School7115
    More House2
    Nonsuch High School1
    Notting Hill and Ealing High GDST11
    Putney High School GDST20246
    Queen's College1
    Queen’s Gate13
    Sherborne School*111
    South Hampstead High1
    St Catherine's Bramley1
    St James Senior Girls’ School32
    St Mary's Ascot*111
    St Paul's School for Girls423
    St Swithun's School*1
    Tiffin Girls1
    Tudor Hall*1
    Wimbledon High School GDST7211
    Woldingham School*21
    Wycombe Abbey*32
    Total Year 6 Girls41
    * Boarding School

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