We will be holding occasional place assessments in the week of 10 -14 March 2025. Please get in touch using the details below.
To enquire about the availability of spaces parents are requested to get in touch with our Admissions and Marketing Manager, Ms Jeni Care, on 0207 731 9300 or admissions@kenprep.gdst.net.
Throughout the year we hold a small number of ‘Occasional Place’ assessment mornings which registered girls are invited to attend. Should girls meet our academic expectations they will either be:
Offers or Waiting List offers will only be valid during the aforementioned period.
Ken Prep has an excellent balance between high academic standards, a nurturing environment and focus to develop personal intellectual qualities.
Girls being assessed for Years 3 to 6 (age 7-11) spend a morning at school, during which they will be assessed in Maths, English, and Reasoning and participate in a selection of collaborative, problem-solving activities. Younger children will be assessed in the knowledge and skills appropriate for their age and a verbally run reasoning test may also be administered.
If parents wish daughters to be considered for an occasional place for future years, please get in touch to register for an assessment during that academic year.
*Please note: We are no longer holding a 7+ specific entry process – this is now organised as part of our occasional place assessment and entry procedures. Girls already registered for the 7+ for 2021 or future years will have their registration automatically transferred to an Occasional Place registration.
Following your daughter’s assessment we will write to notify parents of places. We require a £5,000 deposit to secure the place which must be accepted by the deadline given. The deposit is non-refundable in the event the place is not taken up.
If and when a place is offered and accepted, you will be required to complete and sign the Girls’ Day School Trust’s (GDST) official agreement which will constitute a contract between yourselves and the Trust.
Our Admissions and Marketing Manager, Ms Care, is happy to help with any queries you may have regarding available places at the school and registration and applications for 4+ and occasional places. Please contact her on: admissions@kenprep.gdst.net
We would expect most siblings to join us at Kensington Prep School, as long as we feel they would thrive. Admission is not automatic, and we may not offer places to siblings if the assessment indicates that they would suit an alternative educational environment.
Our school community is based on an ethos of mutual respect and consideration. We are committed to providing a safe and happy learning environment for all.
We do not tolerate racial discrimination, harassment or victimisation of any kind.
All GDST schools strive to be inclusive environments in which the wellbeing of every young person comes first, and where every girl – no matter her background – can learn without limits.