We came together as a school community to celebrate our annual Harvest Festival.
This year’s celebration was a great success, thanks to the unwavering support from our school community, our fantastic visiting speaker Reverend Tim Stilwell from St Dionis Church and the amazing performances by the girls!
All of the non-perishable food and household donations collected have been given to the Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank.
One of the highlights of the Harvest Assembly was undoubtedly the outstanding performances by the children. Their singing was a delightful treat for all in attendance. They captivated us with their beautiful voices and harmonious melodies. Their hard work and dedication, under the guidance of our talented music teachers, Ms Rattenbury and Miss Standing, shone brightly. You can watch the Year 5 and 6 performance of ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ on Instagram.
In the Harvest Festival assembly, there were lots of food donations on display that will go to families across our community. To start the assembly, the Chamber Choir welcomed us all into the assembly with a Harvest song called ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’. This was followed by many traditional harvest songs including a song sung by Reception and Year 1. There was a final song performed by the whole school called ‘Conkers’.
Reverend Tim Stilwell spoke about gratitude and how we celebrate the Harvest. He also gave us an example of how you can’t judge a person or thing by its appearance.
Revd Stilwell spoke to us about the important subject of looking beyond the cover. He brought in a box of chocolates and a blob of Blu Tack and he asked us which one we would want if we could only have one. Most of the younger girls said that they would want the box of chocolates, and most of the older girls said that they would want the blob of Blu Tack. Then Revd Stilwell said that he had eaten all of the chocolates. He called up a Year 6 girl and asked her why she chose the blue tack. She said that she chose it not only because it was stretchy and fun, but also because the box of chocolates had seemed too obvious and the Revd Stilwell said “Why don’t you look inside – you know, fiddle around with it”. The Year 6 girl had a look inside and when she got to the middle of the Blu Tack she found a £10 note! So that just shows that you can never judge a book by its cover.