All parents automatically become members of the Kensington Parents’ Association (KPA) once their daughter joins the school.

The KPA is a thriving and enthusiastic association that plays a vital role at the school. This includes sharing year group information, leading fundraising initiatives, coordinating and organising social events and school activities.

Each form or year group has a KPA representative who helps to keep the communication link between parents and school open. Parents are invited to volunteer as form representatives and are voted in at the Special General Meeting in the Summer Term for a year-long term of office.

Long table set up in School Hall with wreath making decoration activity and charcuterie boards.

KPA-led activities

Key events in the school calendar include our annual Christmas celebrations and the whole school Summer Festival.

The KPA also holds regular second-hand uniform sales, as well as parent social events, including a wreath-making workshop at Christmas time.

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