Alongside the EPQ sits another Summer Term challenge for Year 6: an innovative cross-curricular project about indigenous peoples facing eviction from Amazon jungle homes due to deforestation and climate change.
The girls were commissioned by TV presenter and archaeologist Ella Al-Shamahi to advocate for the rights of indigenous tribes who faced the threat of eviction from their ancestral homelands in the Amazon. After weeks of hard work the girls were ready to share with the wider school community what they had found out and how they had raised money to support Survival International. We were happy to welcome back Ella and TV producer Gary Hunter, who inspired the girls to make their own documentaries.
As part of this interdisciplinary project the girls were given the opportunity to specialise in their preferred subject: ICT (lidar technology), Science (UNESCO heritage), Maths (finance and enterprise), History (ancient civilizations), Geography (life in the Amazon). All girls created a tribal head-dress (Art) and made a documentary (English and Drama). They did a superb job in working collaboratively towards a common goal, which we hope will be a valuable experience in preparing for secondary school – and beyond. Well done Year 6!